orange is a new object oriented, functional programing language, combining features from objective c/smalltalk, java and scheme/lisp. it's main targets are pratical usefullness, efficency and support for rapid prototyping. NOTE: this language has been called `blue' before. this had nothing to do with the blue language developed by M.Cahill and M.Koelling in 1997 (see Blue Programming Language Overview). i was just not aware of that bit. this internet site is the main site for the orange language, it development and tools. newest releases will be available always from sourceforge. orange is open source. it is copylefted under the GPL, but it's runtime and it's core toolkit is copylefted under the LGPL (the lesser gnu public license), so orange can be used in commercial or proprietary projects and software, too, if you like (or need) to. for any feedback, flames or proposals to the language: there is a mailinglist (blue-c-language) on that topic. private emails to gck@eyestep.org. |